Employee Flu Shot Programs

A new vaccine is developed each year, specific to the three virus strands identified by the Centers for Disease Control (CDC) as most prevalent. These strands will account for 70-90% of influenza that year.

Since the strands of the virus change yearly, you must be vaccinated every year.

Worried About Side Effects?

The vaccine is created from an inactive form of the virus; you cannot get the flu from a flu shot!!! Common side effects include soreness, swelling, redness at the injection site, low-grade fever, and aches.

Severe reactions are extremely rare. Flu shots are one of the safest, most effective vaccines.

Why Should We Provide Flu Shots to Our Employees?

  • 114,000 people are hospitalized every year in the U.S. due to complications of the flu
  • 36,000 people die each year in the U.S. due to complications of the flu
  • Vaccination results in 32-45% decrease in absenteeism
  • Average sick day costs $200 in lost productivity per employee
  • Non-immunized workers have a rate of absenteeism that is 36% higher than immunized workers
  • Vaccination is the most effective way to prevent flu and the spread of infection
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