Weekly Wellness Tips - Running

Love it or hate it, running is known to have a number of health benefits—not to mention, cardio plays a key part in most other sports. So for those of you who have been hesitant to lace up your running shoes and hit the pavement, here are some considerations that may help motivate you.

The Benefits of Running

Whether you're partial to aerobics or training for a marathon, having a consistent fitness regimen is key to promoting longevity and fighting off chronic health problems. That's why a sport like running, which outside of the gear doesn't cost a cent, is such a valuable exercise to include in any circuit.


  • Running Improves Concentration, Memory, and Motivation
  • Running Increases Muscle Strength
  • Running Lowers Cholesterol Levels
  • Running Strengthens the Immune System
  • Running Reduces the Risk of Heart Disease
  • Running Increases Oxygen Intake & Saturation
  • Running Helps Control & Lose Weight
  • Running Strengthens Joints and Bones

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