Hunting Safety

Whether you enjoy walking in the woods, hiking through the hills, or hunting on all of the public land that the North East has to offer, one thing is clear; Hunting Season is in full swing, so being safe while out in nature is critical.

Here are some tips to keep in mind to help you stay safe.

Know The Area:

Be aware of how the land you are on is used and who may be using it. If there are vehicles parked on the roadside near where you will be, it may be an indicator that hunters are in the area. If the land is private or posted then there is a much lower chance of running into hunters while in the woods.

Proper Attire:

If you are going to be out in the woods, make sure that you are dressed appropriately for the weather and for safety. Changing weather and temperatures are a constant occurrence in the fall, so be sure to layer your clothes accordingly. Visibility is also a big concern, whether you are hunting or not. Even as a hunter, if you are up and moving around you should have at least a blaze orange hat on to increase your visibility to others.

Be Prepared:

Nature is fun, but it can also be dangerous if you do not prepare accordingly. Even spending a short period of time outdoors can have its risks; so make sure that you have enough food and water to last you during your travels. A granola bar and a bottle of water are always great to pack on quick walks or even a short morning in a tree stand.

Don’t Forget Our Furry Friends:

Cats and dogs can spend a lot of time outdoors and sometimes they resemble the game being hunted. A blaze orange vest and collar for your pets can keep them from being misidentified as a game animal.


If you plan on taking a quick walk, spend an early morning in the stand, or are taking a multiday hiking trip through the mountains, always tell someone your trip plans. This includes where you are going, hazards along the way, and roughly when you intend on returning. If anything were to go wrong, someone will have an idea of where you may be so that you have a better chance of being found.

We hope that you found these tips helpful!

Enjoy the outdoor fall weather before winter hits and stay safe!

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