Wellness Fairs

Wellness fairs are a great way to get a workforce engaged in local resources and tools that promote a healthy lifestyle. The Lawson Group works with companies to organize completely custom wellness fairs that rely on the resources available in your community.



One of the services that we offer, that's very well received, is to help you set up a wellness fair.

We have a wellness fair here every year for our own employees and our neighborhood that we're in—the community that we're in. We also try to have it at the same time that we have the bloodmobile come in. We not only have our people donate blood, we invite the community to come in and give blood, but then we also have a wellness fair.

It's different every place we go because we'll come to your community and help you set this up. It's local fitness centers or gyms. In the case of where we're located, we have a couple of the local stores that sell bicycles and fitness equipment come in. We have an acupuncturist come in from time to time and some of the other wellness services, the food and supplement companies, and whatever, it's all depending on what your individual workforce is looking for.

The staff is pretty good at being able to create in different parts of the state and wellness fair that incorporates local vendors so that your folks get to meet people who are their same community members and probably somebody they drive by on a regular basis so it makes it a little bit more personalized.

We're not just bringing in people from Manchester or Concord out to the confines of the state where those people don't exist. We try to work with the resources that you've got in your own neighborhood. And we find that it works very, very well. You have a lot of the people that are interested in getting healthier, who then start to participate in some of those services.

You actually find that some of these service providers that come in for these wellness fairs then also happy to come into your facility and do a one-off free training session or an introductory visit to their gym, or some kind of a gift certificate that you can use at their shop or service.

It really is customized based on where you are in the state, and we're happy to talk to you about setting one of these things up.

I think right now we probably do about one a month on average for different companies around the state. So I think it's something worth taking a look at for yourself and for your employees, no matter where you are in the state.

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